Monday, January 27, 2014

Going Blonde!

Hi! I started a post like this last year and it never went anywhere because then I went dark. But I think I'm ready to go blonde. I wanted to share with you guys how I get there. This is going to be a challenge because I'm starting from red which is the hardest color to remove. I decided that I wanted to go to as close to my natural color as I can. My current color is darker than my natural color and it has a red tint. This picture is from my lastest tutorial but it shows the color.

I'm not sure where I'm going to go from here. I did this the beginning of the month so by now it has faded some and the red is disappearing. I can either try to neutralize the red or get highlights. I think I would like to get rid of more of the red but getting some blonde in my hair is a temptation. I honestly could do both but I would like to stick with doing this slowly. Nothing about bleach is good for your hair but if you take the process more gradually it is definitely better for your hair. Another option I have considered is letting the color in my hair grow out. My natural hair color is perfect lowlight color. I would love to grow out my natural color and then go blonde but that would seriously take FOREVER. I definitely want to try to not color it for awhile and see how long I can try to grow this color out. I hate this color now so it probably won't be long. So stay tuned and I will update you guys next time I do something with the color and what I decided to do. Thank you for reading!
-Eat Sleep Makeup

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